
Women Should Be Allowed In The Military Draft

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Should women be allowed in all areas in the military? Making a draft for women will destroy families, cost more money for the military, and women have a big disadvantage against men. If there is a draft for women it will only make things harder on everyone. If women want to serve, go find another job; and there is no reason why they should be forced to. Because of these reasons there should not be a draft for women. There has already been 2 females that have completed the marine corps. Females shouldn't be allowed in all areas of the military if they can't meet the same standards the men have to meet. To begin with, there is no problem without women why make it harder and put women in the draft. Making a draft for women can cause many problems. …show more content…

There is women in the military who can cope with stress a lot better than guys can. Also some may say that girls can work just as hard as guys. This is true; but women should have inside jobs, and not combat jobs. Women are great at desk jobs and jobs where not a lot of physical activity is required. Women can easily compete with men on the inside jobs. Although these claims may be true in some cases; men have more of an advantage than women. Women can deal with some jobs better but there is no reason why women should have to go out and risk their lives in combat. We should keep the military the same because girls can just have inside jobs. The men will go out and fight in …show more content…

Women are different from men. If a woman is carrying 130 pounds of equipment into combat, there is a high risk of them getting hurt. If a girl gets hurt in the military this can cost more money for medical bills. Also if a woman gets hurt in battle just because she is carrying more than she can handle, someone else is going to have to put themselves at risk to help her get back safely. With this being said, there is no reason to have women on the ground and in battle over men. The military already uses so much money, putting girls in battle would only hurt the

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