
Women Strive for Education and Equal Rights

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The Quran states: "That man can have nothing but what he strives for" (QS. 53:39). The word ‘man’ used in this verse not only covers the patriarchal nature, but the androgynous nature of humans as a whole. Women were once considered property of men; even if not as property then only as pinch-hit for male labour. The highest rank given to a woman was of one who bore male labours and fed them. No voting rights, no right to run for office, or the right to own property of their own. Male members of the society were allowed to marry as many women as they yearned for while women had to adhere to monogamy just to stop the property from being transferred to someone else’s’ children. Women had to strive a lot to get a pinch of rights. Even today …show more content…

The average lifespan of women is 49 years; 85 percent of women face, or have faced, abuse or physical violence. And Afghanistan still has one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the world. Early marriage is extremely common as well. To take power women need to stand on the same level as men do, and that can be achieved only through education.

When we talk about power, the first thing that comes to our mind is ‘representation’ or more precisely ‘politics.’ Educated women can participate in politics so that they can convey their voices, and their thoughts, opinions and concerns are heard and delivered effectively in the public policy. Women Suffrage Movement was initiated as a result of women’s strive for the voting rights in the first wave of Feminism. But even today women are not given equal representation in politics; not because of the patriarchal oppression, but primarily because of their own indolence to acquire rights. Those who strive are on the apex of their fields while those who are self-gauged keep living, merely as a corpse, in the shadow of men. According to Wikipedia, women representation in Parliament of Pakistan is 60 out of 266 elected seats, which makes only 22.6% of the total elected seats. This is partially due to the fact that politics is intentionally confined to the male representatives, but partially due to the reluctance of women to indulge themselves into representation. Specioza Wandira Kazibwe, the first Vice

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