
Women and adolescent girls are exposed, daily, to the media's portrayal of perfect beauty. Being

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Women and adolescent girls are exposed, daily, to the media's portrayal of perfect beauty. Being bombarded with images of beautiful women with perfect figures and porcelain skin has had an effect on the way women and young girls portray their own bodies. This, in return, causes a drive for thinness which, ultimately, can ignite feelings of dissatisfaction which can cause eating disorders and poor health decisions. This epidemic has captivated many women and adolescents as they go to tremendous lengths to achieve what the media has defined as beautiful. Consequently, the media, and the distorted images they parade, is causing women and adolescents to become dissatisfied with their bodies. Women and adolescents girls are spending endless …show more content…

They have had engrained into their minds that being excessively skinny is equivalent to being beautiful. Body image is practically everywhere in the media. In their research, entitled "A Losing Battle: Effects of Prolonged Exposure to Thin-Ideal Images on Dieting and Body Satisfaction," Silvia Knobloch-Westerwick and Josselyn Crane explore the idea that "The media clearly emphasize[s] idealized, lean body shapes for women" (Knobloch-Westerwick 80). Their research proved that upwards of "95% of the models in fashion magazines were lean; in fitness magazines" and "55% were lean and 36% were muscular" in fashion and gossip magazines. Only "6% of the models in both magazine types had a soft, round body type" (Knobloch-Westerwick 80). After being bombarded with images of beautiful women with perfect figures and porcelain skin, this has had an effect on the way women and young girls portray their own bodies — a negative one. Ann Morris and Debra Katzman say "Many young women believe that they are overweight and want to weigh less" (Morris p8). In their research "The Impact of the Media on Eating Disorders in Children and Adolescents" they found that "44% of adolescent girls believed they were overweight and 60% were actively trying to lose weight even though the majority of these young girls were within normal weight ranges" (sic Morris p8). The media is causing women and

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