
Women can Stand with Men

Decent Essays

The word women is defined by Merriam-Webster as “an adult female human being” or as shocking as “the girlfriend, wife or lover of a man”. The word women, plural, or woman, singular, can be said derives from the words men, plural, and man, singular, a word defined by Merriam-Webster as an “adult male human being”. In my point of view, this shows how women are overpowered by men and characterizes the battle of the sexes women struggle with every living moment. This essay will pertain to how women should be treated justly and equally to men when in the hookup and sex culture, having the “slut stigma” reduced to a minimum. It is said that men seduce and women are designed to be seduced. This entails that women who want to be active in the sex culture have to “pull maneuvers” to be seduced by men, for example wear “slut attire”, or behave in a “slut” manner. The word “slut” is used to describe a woman who is part of the sex and hookup culture, which entails multiple parters, enjoying sex, or a woman who is rumored to have a sexual appetite that society disapproves of. Urban dictionary describes a “slut” as “a woman with the morals of a man”, this shows how double standard and battle of the sexes is prevalent even after the feminist movements have brought women to such high standards of life. In the essay by Laura Hamilton and Elizabeth Armstrong Double Binds and Flawed Options it is said that “...while men are expected to desire and pursue sexual opportunities regardless of

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