
Women 's Autonomy Of The Fetus

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fetus. Analyses resolve that respecting autonomy of person and not to cause harm exceed any beneficence-based obligations to the fetus. Opposing support for protecting the fetus through forced cesarean delivery has received limited ethical endorsement.
Constitutionally, a woman has the right to protect her body’s integrity and refuse medical intervention as she exercises her rights to self-determination and privacy (Deshpande & Oxford, 2012). A person’s autonomy is a right that should be held by all capable adults regardless of pregnancy status (Minkoff, Marshall, & Liaschenko, 2014). Most ethical evidence suggests that a women’s autonomy prevails against fetal beneficence, as fetuses are only patients by the autonomous choice of the mother (Rodrigues, van den Berg, & Duwell, 2013). A physician would risk paternalism, resulting in encroachment on autonomy by any attempt to coerce or act against the mother’s refusal in light of broad interpretation of fetal beneficence (Avci, 2015).
Let’s look at the maternal decision to refuse a cesarean delivery applying Kant’s categorical imperative respect for persons principle. This ethical theory advises that persons should always be treated as an end and never simply as a means (Vaughn, 2010). Individuals are ends in themselves and possess their own inherent worth (Vaughn, 2010). Using another person as a mechanism to achieve your own personal goals is a breech of this moral principle. The worth of a person is derived from their

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