
Women 's Sexual Assault That Occurred On Campus Essay

Decent Essays

A lawsuit was filed this year in January against Northern Kentucky University in which a female student is suing the university for mishandling her sexual assault that occurred on campus in 2013. The female, who identifies as Jane Doe in the lawsuit in order to hide her identity, claims that NKU did not do enough to make her feel safe on campus because she feels the university neglected her and did not do anything to stop her attacker from having everyday contact with her. The university feels as if they did as much as they possibly could to help the female student and that they are not at fault for what has happened (Pilcher par. 4-7). Although there has not been a ruling on the case yet, NKU is at fault for the events that have transpired and should be ashamed of what they have allowed to occur. According to James Pilcher, a writer for that covered the case, in 2013 a female freshman student was sexually assaulted by a fellow freshman while in her dorm room. The female student had known the attacker previously and thought that she was just going to be hanging out with said attacker. After the assault had occurred, instead of filing criminal charges, the female student decided to take her case through the university’s internal administrative discipline system (par. 6). According to Abby Anstead in an interview that was conducted, the members of the university’s discipline system found that her attacker “more likely than not” raped her. The university’s

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