
Women’S Rights: Gender Wage Gap. Problem, Solution, And

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Women’s Rights: Gender Wage Gap
Problem, Solution, and Barriers Paper
The wage gap is the difference in men’s and women’s median earnings, usually reported as either the earnings ratio between men and women or as an actual pay gap. The median value is the middle value, with equal numbers of full-time workers earning more and earning less (Hill, 2011). Nationally, women earn 77 cents for every dollar earned by a man, and in Ohio women earn 78 cents for every dollar earned by a man (The Woman’s Fund of Central Ohio). Not only are women receiving less compensation, they are also less likely to have an offer of health insurance from their employer, have retirement plans, or have access to paid leave (Stevenson, 2015). There is also an …show more content…

Since 2001, The Women’s Fund of Central Ohio has given voice and visibility to issues that impact women and girls. This non-profit organization and public foundation are a leader of social change in our community—addressing gender norms in order to create equality and to empower all women and girls to reach their full potential. The Women’s Fund is committed to creating lasting social change in four priority areas: Gender Norms, Economic Self-Sufficiency for Women, Leadership for Women, and Life skills for Girls. Their work they are doing for economic self-sufficiency directly correlates with demolishing the wage gap. According to their website, 1 in 4 women in central Ohio are not economically secure. Women are 2/3 of minimum wage workers. One can be a part of the work to change those numbers as they: move the needle for pay equity for women in central Ohio, improve workplace policies, such as paid time off and parental leave, and raise awareness for high quality and affordable childcare. What they are doing is creating gender equality and influence in the community by looking through a gender lens. They guide their work by research, which influences our partnerships, grant making, and advocacy efforts. They promote social change by growing women’s philanthropy, and raising awareness to educate central Ohio around issues that affect women and girls. At the Women’s Fund

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