
Women's Rights In The 1960s

Decent Essays

The 1960s were seen as a revolutionary era for modernized United States. People were finally voicing out their opinions to the government about things such as civil rights, women’s rights, and the war in Vietnam. Not only that, but this decade also introduced a new style of individual independence to women and the youth. In the radio show “The Making of a Nation”, the significance of the Vietnam War, Civil Rights Movement, and the movement for women’s equality sparked new ideas and rebellion in activists and protesters, who would then help shape America as it is today.
To begin with, the United States’s involvement in the war caused mass distress amongst American citizens. Many Americans didn’t believe the US should fight a war that doesn’t …show more content…

Martin Luther King Jr. was a big inspiration to this group of people, speaking out against the injustice of the black community. Even after he was assassinated people continued to fight against the government laws. After many years of protesting, the US government passed the 1964 Civil Rights Act which “guaranteed equal treatment for all groups”. This movement represented a new way of living not only for the individuals affected by it, but also as a country as a whole.
The fight for women’s rights is an important event that also changed the way the country. In the past, women were seen as inferiors to men. They were expected to be stay-at-home housewives and not bother working at jobs. Many women during the 60s, however, wanted to be independent from their husbands. In Betty Friedan’s “The Feminine Mystique” she urged women to “establish professional lives of their own”. Organizations such as the National Organization for Women helped women find their ground in gaining the treatment of equality they surely needed. In conclusion, the 1960s were seen as an important decade for change in the

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