
Women's Role In Macbeth

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The women in the story of Macbeth are viewed as both powerful and powerless, strong and weak, and most importantly predator and prey (Shakespeare,497). The darkness inside one woman in particular, ends up flowing over into the others, twisting the story toward it’s inevitable close. That woman is Lady Macbeth, representing greed. Her lust for power ends up causing Macbeth to be comfortable with murder (Shakespeare,455). She and the witches use their various powers of persuasion to cause him to commit this horrific crime (Shakespeare,446). There are other far gentler female figures, who Shakespeare has written into the pages of this tale. Not every character is as twisted as Macbeth’s wife (Shakespeare,455). The author portrayed these women, …show more content…

Each of them represents a trait that upon embodying, would lead them onto either infinite success or abysmal failure.
The first women the audience is introduced to are the witches. Though they are supernatural beings, Shakespeare made a conscious choice to portray them as women. These women were the influencers of this sordid tale, constantly trying their best to affect the way Macbeth thought and behaved (Shakespeare,491). This seems to bring them happiness, and even be their way of life. These women represent pride, due to everything they tried to accomplish during their scenes in the play. They are shown to be quite cunning and able, using their powers to manipulate the situation at hand. The witches appear to have felt a lot of joy in other’s misery, and they also seemed to look as if they enjoyed bringing humans down to a level below them. An example of this is when the witches talk about their various conquests as if they were noble warriors. This proves that on some level, these women believe what they were doing was right (Shakespeare,443). They exhibit this by bragging to impress one another and they seemed to want to please a goddess by turning a perfectly good warrier into a mockery of a human; willing to kill his fellow

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