Have you ever felt like because of your gender, you were not allowed to do what made u happy? To this day many women are unappreciated, due to their race. Men and women are both human beings that are capable of the same things yet, Women wear dresses to fit into society. Women in the 1930s were an integral part of the history that inspires the story “To Kill a Mockingbird”.
During the 1930s women could not be different from everyone else. Every woman had specific roles in which they were supposed to play. In order to have had class in the 1930s Women had to be a proper lady such as Aunt Alexandra. https://sites.google.com/a/hsd.k12.or.us/mockingbird-and-culture/legacy-of-to-kill-a-mockingbird/role-of-women-in-1930-s-south “Aunt Alexandra was a proper women who wore dresses, knew how to cook and clean”. She even hosted many parties. Women without class could not fit into society. Mostly every woman during the 1930s lived the same life.
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Women were not supposed to have a hard working job. Women had to go to school and learn a lot longer than men. Women were considered too “weak” to work. http://tokillamockingbirdsarahhilton.weebly.com/women-in-1930s.html The women were scared of change so consequently, they would not try to act different from everyone else. Women and Men were not treated the same in the
Welcome to the 1930's, a time of Fassion changes, the Great Depression, and severe panhandling increases. The society at this time was very respectful, most boys always were expected to say sir or ma'am after every sentence if talking to an elder. Most people were dressed formally,,it was like having our schools dress code everywhere. A lot of people where poor, as they actually had to panhandle sometimes. Fassion changes, major economic problems, and panhandling increases were events that occurred during the 1930's.
The president during 1934 was Franklin D. Roosevelt. He was a democracy president. We were barely recovering from the great depression.The fashion that was used was Men still dressed up nice they wore sporting fedoras and double-breasted overcoats. The boys wore short shorts and tall socks. Women wore dresses and kept their hair close to their head fur was in also floral pattern they also wore shoulder pads and also hats were also worn. Films we One Night” by Frank Capra. Monopoly and scratching puzzles were popular they were fun board games to play . The telephone used back then was called rotary dial it was a very odd phone. Many food was presented popular in 1930’s like “The Thin Man” by W.S Van Dyke also “It Happened like one was Chocolate
The 1930 time period was not equal for women compared to men. They had different roles of what women were expected to do in their jobs and at their homes. . Women were expected to come home and do everything like cleaning and making dinner. If they had children, then they were expected to take care of them after they finished working. They had to make sure that dinner was made for the whole family. They had to make sure that the house was clean. The
Another area, where there are similarities and differences in both time periods is in how women presented themselves. A woman could only be a “proper” lady if she dressed and acted according to the social norms of the day. An example of a woman unlike the rest of the 1930s women was the brazen, Miss Maudie from To Kill A Mockingbird; she was not the typical southern lady compared to women like Aunt Alexandra. Her precious azaleas and keeping away nut grass were much more important than catching the eye of a man. To defy assumed roles she was independent, spoke her mind, and admonished other women's petty gossip(Lee 47).
The early 1900s were filled with many new social ideas and changes. New faces arose during this time, and many new ideas changed the shape of society. Among these were race relations, the role of women in society, and the ever-heated modernism versus fundamentalism debate.
During the first World War I women were left at home to try and figure out how they were going to care for their families. Their husband, father, and brothers were sent off to war. Many companies around the United States were left with production needs and little to no employees to do the job. In a time period, where women are expected to be confident and independent, they had to also realize they had little to no power in society. They had societal rules that they must stay at home to cook, clean, and care for the children. With the men who were prominent in their lives coming and going from war. These factors caused the birth of a new era. This is the era where women were emerging. Women were changing by being more independent sexually and expressing their emotions through music, poetry, and movies.
After their mothers before them, women had no say in what they did, if they worked, or what they wore, but after women began to get jobs in widely influential industries like music and acting their worlds changed. Starting with World War One, jobs opened for women to take, and nothing would be the same when the men returned home from the war front. Women slowly began to gain their freedom from the shackles created by men and worked towards a better life. This started with taking the men’s jobs, then the right to vote, and so on. Throughout the 1920’s, women began to gain personal freedoms.
During the 1930s women is not treated equal with men and they are very different with each other. The amount of women actually getting jobs are less likely to men getting jobs. Fashion is also very different, women are in plain dresses while men are in blue denim jackets. Women during the Great Depression are actually depressed because they can not get jobs and their wages are half as as much as men. Men gets good jobs and amazing wages but at least both still got their fashion.
“We need to reshape our own perception of how we view ourselves. We have to step up as women and take the lead.” This quote was said by Beyoncé, a famous female singer who embraces the woman she is. Even though gender inequality is present for women in both societies, there are many differences between the expectations of females in the 1930’s to females today.
A woman of 1920 would be surprised to know that she would be remembered as a "new woman." Significant changes for women took place in politics, at home, in workplace, and in education.
Change of Attitudes Toward the Role and Status of Women During the 1920's and 1930's
Many groups of people throughout the history of the United States have fought to change for change and fairness for their groups. Women have been among the courageous groups that have forged paths to create better lives for themselves and future generations of women.
The 1930 time period was not equal for women compared to men. They had different roles of what women were expected to do in their jobs and at their homes. . Women were expected to come home and do everything like cleaning and making dinner. If they had children, then they were expected to take care of them after they finished working. They had to make sure that dinner was made for the whole family. They had to make sure that the house was clean. The women were treated unfairly in the 1930’s compared to now in the 2000’s.People like Abagail Adams felt like the women were not treated as equal as the men. "Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the husbands. Remember all men would be tyrants if they could. If
The 1920s had a big impact on American life all around; however, one of the biggest changes during this time period was in the roles of women. During this time period, women started dressing different, leaving the house, getting jobs, and gaining rights. On top of all of that, they had a bigger role in education, they began taking parts in politics, and divorce became more of a common thing. This may not seem like a big deal to people today, but this was very important at the time. Prior, women had next to no rights. They lived to wait on and please their husbands. Women rarely even left the house. This time period could be said to have paved the way for modern day feminism and women’s roles. This was the time period when they began to be free and stop worrying about how society thought they should live. However, the question still remains: Did the changing roles of women in the 1920s really have a significant effect on women’s roles today? In the next few pages, one will be given examples of women’s role before, during, and after the 1920s. In each paragraph, the roles, rights, impacts, and more that women had at these times will be explained. To conclude, a comparison on how women were thought to act in these different time periods will be made in order to come up with an answer for the question stated above.
Throughout much of history, women have been viewed as inferior to men. In the 1800s and early 1900s, women were not allowed to hold the same jobs or