
Women's Sexual Desire In The Storm By Kate Chopin

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The Storm is a story based on women sexual desire that wasn’t published by Kate Chopin. During the period of time the story was written, the woman were sexually oppressed. It was a period of time were male domination was very predominant. Chopin didn’t even try to publish the story because she knew that even Vogue magazine, which had published around 18 of her stories, wouldn’t publish it at that time. I think writing was the only way Chopin found a fit in society. It was the way she expressed her feelings and opinions. During the 19th century, it was acceptable for men to have extramarital relationships, but totally unacceptable for women. Chopin uses the storm to symbolize the passion between the two lovers. I think she uses the storm because during this era, it was a total catastrophe for a woman to commit adultery. Storms are natural, and totally inevitable. The use of this metaphor indicates that the lovers’ feelings were totally unavoidable. The description of very powerful storm symbolizes Calixta and Alcee strong desires. …show more content…

She remembers how they kissed that day. They talk about a love they once shared. This gives us a clue that maybe they were obligated to marry their spouses for convenience. Chopin wrote “she has not seen him very often and never alone.” Which suggest that Calixta wanted to talk to Alcee even before the storm. They say that the longer you suppress your emotions, the bigger the explosion. Which explains why the storm started as just some cloudy sky and got more powerful towards the middle. At the end the storm worn out, because Alcee and Calixta had finally satisfy their passion and fulfill their

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