
Wonders Of Marijuan The Federal Dilemma Essay

Decent Essays

Wonders of Marijuana: The Federal Dilemma
In our society, especially in recent times, the topic of interest for many is the highly stigmatized drug marijuana. Marijuana is currently under national debate on whether it should be legalized on a federal level. A myriad of news and media outlets report that marijuana is legal in multiple states for numerous reasons, but the federal government still fails to legalize it as of now. To provide insight, marijuana also referred to as cannabis, is derived from the leaves and flowers of the hemp plant and can be used in many ways—smoking, edibles (food or drink), vaporizing, tinctures, ingestible oils, topical lotions or balms, and dabbing (delivers a higher THC in the form of hash oil, wax, or shatter). THC and CBD are called cannabinoids, which are the major chemicals in marijuana that assist the user for medical purposes or recreationally. As stated by Americans for Safe Access (ASA), “The federal government claims that marijuana is not medicine and in Gonzales v. Raich (2005) the United States Supreme Court held that the federal government has the constitutional authority to prohibit marijuana for all purposes… States have recognized marijuana’s medical value” (Americans for Safe Access). Furthermore, marijuana is used recreationally and medicinally in some states and the District of Columbia under state specific laws. Although the use of cannabis is legal in certain states, in the federal government’s eyes, marijuana use,

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