
Woodstock Essays

Decent Essays

Woodstock 1969 The Sixties were an exciting revolutionary period with great cultural change. Some people called it the “decade of discontent” (Britannica) due to the race riots in Detroit and La, and the demonstrations against the Vietnam War. Other people called it the decade of “peace, love, and harmony” (Woodstock 69). This decade was identified as such as a result of the peace movement and the emergence of the flower children. (Britannica) The sixties were about assassination, unforgettable fashion, new styles of music, civil rights, gay and women’s liberation, Vietnam, Neil Armstrong landing on the moon, peace marches, sexual freedom, drug experimentation, and Woodstock. All of these components caused a revolutionary change in the …show more content…

Woodstock was a planned event however; the majority of it just fell into place for three days. The second quality is “is it temporally bounded”. The event was bounded by the first and last days. Next is “is it spatially bounded”. It contained a stage for the musicians and an area marked off for those that paid for their ticket however, during the occasion the boundaries for the ticket holders was breached. Another quality is “was it programmed”. Woodstock was programmed due to the line-up, or the order in which the musicians sang. The fifth quality is “is this a coordinated public event”. This was the main purpose for Woodstock to get people to come together to share the peace and love. The final quality is “is the event heightened”. Woodstock is still remembered as being three days of a concert and people coming together to enjoy good music and love. The cultural process of Woodstock consisted of rejoicing in the different styles of music and in each individual that came. The festival included many social dramas. Individuals, in that number, are bound to have differences. Woodstock taught people, approximately 400,000, how to resolve their issues by sharing a common goal. The celebration helped to advance the ideas of peace and unity throughout the generation. The three-day celebration was considered an aesthetic event. It was not only a concert but an art fair as well. Some works of art were seen during the event. People wore the art in the form of body

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