
Work Is A Blessing By Russel Honroe Summary

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Times are changing in the world we live in today. Our younger generation’s work ethics are not what they were when my parents and grandparents were growing up. What is causing people to become lax and feel like the world owes them? What happened to the old days when people worked from the time they got up until the time they went to bed? Perhaps, more of our younger generation need to be taught how to work for a living. Russel Honroe discusses his work ethics and beliefs of blessings in his article, “Work is a Blessing.” In Honroe’s article, he argues the great benefits and blessings of working. He is attempting to convince his audience of the freedom one receives from hard work. Honroe gives specific examples of his, his fathers and grandfathers …show more content…

He joined the ROTC to help pay for his college. He later joined the Army and was committed for over thirty seven years. He truly believed in hard work, this is very evident by his testimony of the jobs he has done since the age of twelve. Honroe speaks of a specific event he recalled which reminded him of the statement his father had made: “To Work is a Blessing.” He speaks of being in Bangladesh in the 1980’s and seeing a woman, with a baby on her back, breaking bricks with a hammer. He questioned why they were not using a machine for this type of work. He was informed if a machine was used, it would put the lady out of work and she would not be able to feed herself or her child. Honroe explains all of the type’s people he encountered while being in the U. S Army. He reports seeing “victims of crime, the ideology of terrorism, people of poor health, depression and social unrest.” He conveys how these people become the “illegal immigrants, slaves of human trafficking, drug dealers and gang members.” His belief is “People who have jobs can have a home, send their kids to school, develop a sense of pride, contribute to the good of the community, and even help

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