
Working Overtime And Its Effects On The Healthcare Facility

Decent Essays

Overtime is a growing issue that the healthcare system has been and is still dealing with for many decades. Multiple research articles from various timespan were studied to explore the outcomes of nurses working overtime. The research established that nurses working overtime not only had a negative impact on their physical and mental health but also on the rate of absenteeism. The economical analysis stated that working overtime has a negative impact on the healthcare facility’s finances. The analysis of political events affirmed that laws have been put in place to eradicate mandatory overtime in a few states in America but no action was taken against voluntary overtime, allowing nurses to keep up with the overtime hours. The historical aspect of nurses working overtime confirmed that 8-hour shifts was introduced in the nursing workforce stopping the practice of nurses living in the hospital and providing round the clock care. This created a shortage in nursing staff. Therefore, nurses worked double shifts to fill in the staffing gaps. This practice was evaluated as it had many negative effects and 12-hour shifts were introduced as a resolution. But working overtime was still widespread as a result of staff shortage. The presence of voluntary overtime, knowledge gap in nurses about the presence of mandatory overtime laws, shortage of nursing faculty members and nurses working double jobs are identified barriers in eradicating mandatory overtime.


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