
Working Poor Research Paper

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The old economy that developed during the Industrial Revolution represented a working system that was based on unionized labor, mass production, and labor that was divided by gender. Frederick Winslow Taylor introduced a different way to manage in order to increase productivity. “He advocated the benefits of redesigning work to wrest control from workers and place it in the hands of management” (Sweet, 10).

The new economy ushered in new job demands and opportunities. Although, the new economy appeared to introduce a continuously growing diversity of goods and services, it has failed to remove the old ways of managing and workers still have no control. Today, with increased job demands, organizations are attempting to redefine the management and worker relationships by appearing to allow workers with increased responsibility, more control. Unfortunately, there are still remnants of the old economy resulting in a continuous gap between workers and opportunities. Opportunities and resources are poorly distributed and as a result, the economy created the “working poor”. …show more content…

Racial, ethnicity and gender inequalities allowed the richest to get richer, further pushing the working poor to the bottom. Sweet and Meiksins claim “McJobs” were an attempt to provide unskilled workers with jobs. However, the attempt failed on a grand scale and continues to fail because a McJobs salary usually falls below the poverty line, lacks benefits, and fails to provide very few opportunities for advancement. The result, as Sweet and Meiksins point out is “class divide”, leading to gender and racial inequalities in the workforce. Inequalities continue to affect the United States workforce and have increased because of the \controversies over

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