When discussing all forms of workplace deviance it is estimated that the cost associated to take preventive and corrective measures for it are in billions and a total loss account for 50 billion dollars annually in U.S .An estimated figure states that 95% of organization in U.S experience employee theft, talking about third world country like Pakistan the case might be worse if not similar. The astonishing stats tell that workplace deviance causes a serious dent to productivity and profitability of an organization and the reasons need to be addressed by the researchers (Hastings & Finegan, in press). In the past several years such behavior at work has been under severe consideration by the critics and
Company X is committed to providing education for each employee to report unethical behavior and resolve conflicts without fear of retaliation. One such example would be the need to report employee theft. Employee theft is not only unethical but could also be criminal in nature. Regardless of employee status (entry level or upper management), each employee should feel it their responsibility to report any unethical behavior they observe. Employee theft can range from theft of money, time, office supplies or merchandise to providing proprietary information to unauthorized entities. These activities can result in a negative public image of Company X and should be reported as quickly as possible. Prior to reporting such offenses, each employee should ensure the accuracy of the evidence they will be reporting. There are various methods to report such abuses including but not limited to an anonymous toll free hot line number, verbal or electronic reporting to the local Human Resources office and the open door policy which encourages employees to approach members of management without the fear of
Answer 2: Measures companies can take to protect themselves from the action of rogue employees:
In much of the business world from the past to today, we constantly are exposed to unethical behaviors and situations of conflict within the work environment. Thinking critically about a particular dilemma and whether or not it is ethically wrong takes time and critical thinking. The accountants of Enron could have avoided this situation by stepping in and explaining to their superiors the cost of the long-term consequences compared to the short-term benefits was not worth what they were putting out on the line. By analyzing the Enron scandal there will be a greater ability to know information that will help pin point any unethical behavior that an accountants may experience in their own work life. Justin Schultz, a corporate psychologist
Just as the street crimes per capita in cities are a lot higher than those in rural areas, theft incidents are more likely to happen in big offices than in small ones, as chances of being caught are higher in small offices as well as stronger social incentives in such a small community. More surprisingly, Feldman also found out that employees higher up in the cooperate hierarchy cheat more than normal employees. One reason might be due to their sense of entitlement, and their morale towards “white collar crimes” in which cases they can easily get away with their authority (Levitt and Dubner 45). His findings might explain the mechanism of the corrupted cooperative businesses, as well as in politics, where people with more authority are less likely to be detected using company’s
The issue of workplace violence challenges many organizations today, and many of these organizations do not have well defined structures on how to handle it. It is one of the emerging concepts in the field of HR and perhaps that is why many HR personnel have not come into clear terms with it. In addition to this, it takes a broader approach than what people think violence is, hence complicating its ideology.
Being able to gain trust from one person is a difficult task, coming from another unit and being able to gain the trust of a team that has already been formed is even harder. Having a incident like sexual harassment and sexual gestures happen within the unit can have demoralizing effects on the effectiveness of the team. The hostile working environment may hinder some hard-working soldiers and cause them to not give maximum effort. It may also make the victim(s) feel as if they are not appreciated and their performance may reflect their recent feelings towards the situation. Also these negative actions may cause a fellow soldier to relive a certain situation that happened to them previously.
Employee theft is a problem of considerable size for many companies. Many corporate security experts estimate that 25 to 40 percent of all employees steal from their employers, and the U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) estimates that employee theft of cash, property, and merchandise may cost American businesses as much as $50 billion on an annual basis. It is also not uncommon in today's workplaces. And it is often the employee you least suspect that is the culprit
The act of stealing items from work can be considered as a crime under criminal statute. The theft act 1968 states that a person is guilty of committing a crime of theft if that person ‘dishonestly appropriates property belonging to another with the intention of permanently depriving’. In saying that the four main criminological presepectives, which include: classical, positivist, interactionist critical criminology, interpret the act of stealing an item from work differently. Ultimately, the issue of taking items from work is important as the idea of what constitutes stealing from work can be blurry. Throughout this essay comparatives and differences on each perspective will be discussed in terms of human nature, social order, how they
Need to get be better rewarded: theft is a symptom that managers are not well remunerated. Pocketing the
Is stealing becoming more acceptable in the workplace? Generally, when people think of stealing or theft they are referring to the act of physically taking property from someone else. In reality there are many different ways that an employee can steal from an organization, and I have seen three different ways in my short career. The basic definition of theft is the wrongful taking and carrying away of the personal goods or property of another, and this is one way in which people can take away from an organization. The most common way for people to steal from an organization is theft of time, and this includes; taking extra time on breaks and
There has been a rise in workplace incivility, in the world today. Porath (2017) found out that the incivility often leads to an increase in employee stress, low performance, high employee turnover, low customer experience, and minimal collaboration. There are various strategies that organizations can use to navigate this new wave of incivility while maintaining an ethical approach to business.
One of the benefits a business stands to gain, if they install a covert system within their property is the reduction of employee related theft incidents. If you own a business, you may not assume that you are at risk due to the perceived integrity of your employees. However, statistics demonstrate that UK based businesses loose an average of over 2 billion pounds each year, as a result of employee related theft. While this may not seem like a huge figure, when you consider the fact that 3rd party burglaries account for a loss of approximately 120 million pounds per year, what this means is that employees are a bigger risk to a company's property and assets, than a 3rd party would-be burglar.
At the BSSL we would like to make work a legal, profitable, and comfortable environment to be at during your careers here with us. We are going to start implementing an open door policy. We want all employees to feel they can speak with any member of management, without risk or fear of loosing their jobs, if they feel uncomfortable about something they are asked to do here. Also, all employees need to keep their eyes and hears opened for illegal and unethical behaviors. If an unethical or illegal behavior is reported and proven we would like to offer the employee that comes forth with the information a reward to show our
Violence is all around us; we see it portrayed in one form or another everyday. It has become commonplace to see it on TV and in our own environment. To the average person this has become an acceptable part of life, along with taking personal precautions to prevent it from happening to them. However, there are a small few that need attention and see violence as a way to get their message across. Unfortunately, the media is right there to dramatize it for all to see. As future public administrators we must be aware of potential workplace violence from not only potential customers but from our employees and co-workers as well. We must equip ourselves with the tools necessary to prevent the potential
Aggressive workplace behavior can very stressful because it has a negative affect on ones productivity, and if not addressed in a timely manner can even affect an employee’s personal’s life. Negative and/or aggressive behaviors can occur between coworkers and subordinates. According to Neuman and Baron Aggression is “…any form of behavior directed by one or more persons in a workplace toward the goal of harming one or more people in that workplace (or the entire organization) in ways the intended targets are motivated to avoid.” To “harm” a co-worker or subordinate is not only physical, it can also mean harming someone mentally, which was what Smith was doing to her subordinates. This type of aggressive behavior is more commonly known as workplace bullying. Workplace Bullying is a repeated, health harming mistreatment of one or more persons (the targets) by one or more perpetrators that can take the form of threating, humiliating or offensive behavior-actions. (Fox, S., & Spector, P. E. (Eds.). (2005).) Now that we have a general overview of workplace bullying and aggressive workplace behavior, let’s take a closer look at types of aggressive behavior.