
Workplace Observation

Decent Essays

The amount of mental fortitude a person possess can only be measured once the individual runs out of it. I decided to see how much I possessed when I went to Air Force boot camp. I knew that the duration of the training would include a rigorous agenda designed to break my physical and mental will. When I finally arrived at the Base we were issued photo ids, and I said goodbye to my parents and got on the bus to take me to my first challenge, in-processing. The first thing that happened once the bus was put in park I was welcomed by drill instructors yelling "Get off my bus!" After being escorted by the drill instructors to the in-processing station my bags were searched for contraband, and my electronic devices, including my watch and …show more content…

My first task was to unpack my belongings and make sure my rooms were up to standard operating procedure. The challenge was to follow the instructions correctly while being yelled at by the training instructors to "Work faster!" Even simple tasks such as making a bed or folding clothes took exponentially longer because of the extra stress from being forced to work faster. Eventually after weathering enough yelling and sweating from the extreme heat, I finished preparing my room. After the rooms were finished, we met our training staff, and we were also given a boxed lunch. The lunch contained a sandwich, crackers, and cookies, but my training staff took the cookies from us resulting in yet another moral hit. We were also forced to eat in five minutes, on the ground, and in complete silence. After lunch we were forced march in formation three miles to another building where we took a preliminary knowledge test. The test consisted of aviation principles and different events in Air Force history. We then headed to another fast-paced meal that was spent in complete silence. After dinner we studied for tests and prepared for physical

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