
World War 1 Turning Point Essay

Decent Essays

World War One was an immensely pivotal event on how the rest of the 20th century would turn out. What started off in Europe in July of 1914 became a global war that went brutally for more than 4 years and came to an end in November of 1918. From this war came not only the negatives, like the death of mass amounts of soldiers and civilians, but many positives came to be as well. A new lifestyle for many was put into play after the war and a whole new outlook on life was seen by everyone across the globe. Very large changes in the world were made in consequence to the war including territory changes in Europe, women in the workforce, and new technological advancements. All of these things, and more, back up the idea of World War One being a turning point in world history. The First World War created numerous changes everywhere around the world. One continent that went through change geographically was Europe. With the decline of many empires and the morphing of new areas like the Soviet …show more content…

Since World War One was the first global war, weaponry was weak before it had started. Very little variety was made before this event and because of this, many new weapons and methods of attack were invented and used. Machinery like submarines, tanks, aircrafts, gases, and more portable weapons were used for the first time and their use carried on to current day. Resulting in the staggering amount of deaths in World War One, these new weapons proved their brutality. If weaponry was not as strong as it had been during this time, the war might have turned out very different and fatality numbers could’ve lowered immensely. Weapons like the bayonet and sabre were being replaced with more powerful and harmful ones like the machine gun and rifle. Although leading a very bloody, lethal war, these technological advancements proved the new collective intelligence around the

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