
World War I. Student’S Name. University Affiliation. .

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World War I
Student’s Name
University Affiliation

World War I
The immediate cause of the World War I was the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand. However, there are several events that go back to into the 19th century, that led to the war. For instance, imperialism, militarism, and nationalism played a huge role in the conception of the war. Many countries had ensured that they had mutual agreements as a defense mechanism to pull them through in case of battle. As such, if one country was attacked, the ally countries were obliged to defend them. The alliances involved Japan and Britain, France and Russia, Germany and Austria-Hungary, Britain and France and Belgium, and Russia and Serbia. The war was sparked when …show more content…

The Austrian Empire had a huge number of ethnic populations that were not happy with the Austrian rulers. For instance, the Serbs and the Balkans who wanted freedom from the Austrian rulers sought for Russia to give them support. Animosity resulted among Russia and Austria. Subsequently, the animosity spread to allies such as Germany allied with Austria, and France and Britain allied with Russia.
At the beginning of the 20th century, race to acquire arms had begun. The quest to acquire arms resulted in extreme rivalries between the Great Britain and Germany. As at 1914, German had the hugest and strongest backup of military men (Gilbert, 2004). To counter their enemies, Great Britain initiated the increment of their military armies. The strengthening and preparation of the armies in Great Britain and Germany led the world to develop a notion that the world was under the dispensation of a great war. The increased military control over the civil government in Russia and Germany led to more cooperation between the military staff of the countries belonging to the same camp. The French and British governments made a decision to position the British army in the North Sea and the French navy in the Mediterranean Sea. Similar arrangements followed between Austria and Germany. As a result, the World War I was fought between these powerful nations since they had made well-laid and secret military plans. Militarism, therefore, led to the World War I after the

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