
World War II And Japanese Peoples

Decent Essays

years, I had come into contact with a group of Chinese and Japanese people, and I expect that the Japanese have evolved intellectually and morally, but the Chinese have remained the same (Al-Arabiya 2014: comment 9). Al-Sharari, by mobilizing his fictive history as a source of his racialization of the Chinese and Japanese peoples, he references World War II and other armed conflicts, as stages of their barbarisms and savagery, particularly in manslaughter. He further supports his imagination by claiming a first-hand experience and encounter that validates his reading of history. In which one of the races—the Japanese— has progressed out of its savagery, and the other—the Chinese—has not come out of its blood thirst. In this erasure of everything that contradicts his racialized history, he iconizes killing methods as an evidence of barbarity.
A commentator named Iraqi, under the title, Soon, said, “Thousands of bearded men, who have not washed [their bodies] for decades, will flock to China because originally it was predominantly Turkistani. But the Han, who are a minority, usurped the rule and begun raping the Turkistanis’ wives and blowing up their markets and killing every Turkistani who cooperate with his government! Welcome to our world, which is beautiful by the way” (Al-Arabiya 2014: comment 17). In this cynical comment, Iraqi constructs a China, that is originally ‘Turkish’ and invaded by the ‘Hans.’ Despite the obvious fallacy of this wild imagination, he predicts a

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