
World War Seen Through The Eyes Of A Teenager

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WORLD WAR SEEN THROUGH THE EYES OF A TEENAGER Anne Frank was born on June 12, 1929 in Frankfurt, Germany. Her mother’s name was Edith Frank and father was Otto Frank who was a lieutenant in the German army during World War 1 and he later became a businessman in Germany and Netherlands. Anne Frank had a sister named Margot Frank who was 3 yrs elder than her. Franks were atypically upper middle class German-Jewish family living in a quiet religiously diverse neighborhood near the outskirts of Frankfurt. Frank was born on the eve of dramatic changes in German society, which would disrupt her family’s happiness as well as the lives of all other German Jews. On Sunday, June 14, 1942, one of the presents Anne Frank received on her 13th birthday, was a diary. The first thing she saw among her presents was the diary and she thought it was one of her nicest presents. The diary became for Anne her one true friend. After May 1940, there was a trouble for Jews in Holland. The Germans occupied Holland and passed a series of anti-Jew decrees: Jews had to wear a yellow star, they could not use bicycles or street cars or ride in cars, even their own, Jews were to do shopping between 3 to 5 pm. They could go only to Jewish owned barber shops, beauty parlors, forbidden to attend any form of entertainment, etc. On Sunday July 5, 1942, there was a call up for sixteen year old Margot frank by the German secret service (SS). A call meant, “concentration camps and lonely cells” for the Jews.

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