
Write An Essay On Tracey Brook's Life

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Tracey Brooks always knew what she wanted in life. She always had a plan to reach her dreams. Now 47 years-old, Tracey couldn’t be any happier. She’s been a nurse for 21 years, but now works as a clinical documentation specialist. When you first look at her, you can tell she has a stern, yet caring personality. Her short but strong frame gives off a gentle and protective impression. However, Tracey had several obstacles to face before she would be where she is now.
When Tracey was eight years old, she discovered her deepest desire. She always insisted on playing the mother role with her dolls, but refused to play with Barbie dolls because they didn’t resemble to any baby like characteristics. Soon her health started to take a turn for the …show more content…

She knew that there were other options of becoming a mother. There were several options to choose from such as fostering or adopting. She thought very hard before she came to a final decision. She knew that if she became a foster parent, she wouldn’t be able to raise the children and would have to give them up eventually, after creating a special bond with them, but she knew that she would also be helping these kids. On the other hand, adopting would mean that she would be able to raise them until they are ready for college or move on their own. She wouldn’t be able to help the child like she could for foster children, but she would still be able to help her child no matter how little the problem may seem. Tracey had a huge smile on her face as she admits, “It didn’t take a lot of time to think about because I decided to let my heart choose.” This time Tracey didn’t have a plan instead she just let her maternal instincts lead her to the right path. She eventually met her future husband, Bradley Fischer, at a tavern in downtown Grand Rapids. Even before they got married, both knew deep down that they wanted a family so after a few years into their marriage they decided to adopt a child from

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