
Writing As A Good Writer

Decent Essays

Writing is something that we use every day to convey our thoughts or ideas to people. It can be something as simple as taking notes in class or writing a resume for a future employer. You may not be writing to always give your work to someone else but even learning the proper way to take notes for yourself is a helpful tool to becoming a better writer. It also allows you to obtain the information more than once. The thing that I find to be most important in writing is to learn and understand new ideas that you have never thought about before and to experience these new ideas in a way that makes you a better person.
The first year writing program has taught me a lot about becoming a good writer and incorporating my ideas out on paper. Writing is important to me because I feel that you always need to be able to write no matter who you are or what you do, whether you like it or not it is necessary. I have experienced many things in my writing such as errors to not having a clue what I’m writing about. It is always hard to start writing an essay for school if you’re not totally sure on what you want to talk about but that doesn’t mean that writing is always hard. Writing has so many different shapes and forms to it. From writing research papers to writing a letter to a friend overseas. Both of these writing styles will be completely different but one may come easier to you than another. It is always easier to write about a topic that you are interested I rather than a given

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