
Wy's Autobiography

Decent Essays

Wy was born a month early. He was born on his great grandfathers birthday. He was born because a friend of mine had her baby early. I went to work the day he was born. My mom called and told me my friend had her baby a few months early but that they were both okay. She told me to do my kick counts and not to worry. When I got home Z was making dinner. I told him I had had no kicks in over an hour. I told him about my friend. (I had been to the hospital the week before because of high blood pressure and was sent home) I told him I wanted to go. I had no pain, no blood, I just wanted to go. He took me. He had worked all day and had no dinner and he took me. The nurses were so sweet. We did everything we could to get him to kick. Finally the …show more content…

Z cut the cord. The NICU Dr was there and said he was perfect. She took some blood and handed him to us. Oh he was perfect! Z yelled "I'm a father" with the most pride I've ever heard. I went to recovery and fell asleep. When I woke up I got to hold Wy but they were telling me he had to go to the NICU a few floors up. Z and I had taken the hospital tour and knew there were two NICU's. The one on the third floor was more severe than the one on the fifth floor. He was on the fifth floor. That was a relief in that moment. I was taken to the maternity ward. I kept dosing off that night, and Z was up and down the elevators between us. I could hear babies crying but not Wy. It was truly …show more content…

There he was. The healthiest baby in the NICU, we nicknamed him "Little Big Boy" as he weighed in at 5.2lbs. Wy had neonatal hypoglycemia, very low glucose numbers and needed an IV. I immediately tried to nurse him and was having no luck. Then they told us that Wyatt was tongue tied. He wasn't able to suck properly and he had to be gavage fed (feeding tube). That baby boy would raise his little hands out of his swaddle and pull that feeding tube out all day long. Wy was in the NICU for two weeks and then we got to bring him home. Z and I fed him in an upright position with a special bottle. Once he was able to finish a certain amount in a certain amount of time he was released. Z and I tabled Wy being tongue tied. For a year. He could drink his bottle and we weren't comfortable with

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