
Xina's Short Story: Assassins

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A bolt of lightning ripped the sky in half, and rain began to pound on the carriage roof. Mud coated the road as thick clouds loomed over England. Violent winds lashed their hands at the carriage while it bounced its way to Windsor Castle. Xina breathed in the brisk air, her heart dancing with anticipation. Her lips twisted into a devilish sneer; of all the missions an assassin could have, this was by far the easiest “Assassins never fear. Assassins only dare.” The words rolled off her tongue smoothly, as if they were a part of her soul. At the same time the man facing her spoke, “You remember the plan?” Xina held Valdus’ gaze until he felt uncomfortable, “Get in. Put the elixir in the princess’ drink,” She paused for effect, “and get a …show more content…

Light flowed from the ostentatious windows, turning the brick walls from cream to delicate golden. Intricate patterns were engraved on the brass doors, fitting perfectly like feathers on a dove. Perfectly spiral marble stairs lead to the grand room. Pretty soon, her gloved hands were tracing the floral pattern of the smooth railings. And before she knew it, Xina was gliding in her red satin gown to the masquerade ball with Valdus. Valdus clandestinely pulled out a flask with a thick violet fluid inside, and placed it in Xina’s hands. “Assassins never fear, we only dare.” And with that he blended in with the passing crowd. Xina turned back and studied the room behind her mask. Her fingers prickled for action as she licked her lips like a lioness stalking it’s pray. Her hawk eyes assessed the noble men that strode with purpose, and couples that danced a slow allemande. Women in vibrant gowns floated past her, whispering under their fans. For they, as everyone else, believed that Xina was a just blind maiden. The room was like a chess board and the people chess pieces. Xina contemplated each strategy with an eagle’s proficiency. Each move was mapped out. It has

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