
Yann Martel's Life Of Pi

Decent Essays


The Life of Pi by Yann Martel is full of conflict.Pi has to survive on a lifeboat in the middle of the pacific ocean accompanied by a full grown tiger. Pi must also keep himself poised while on the boat. He also must keep his beliefs that he followers which are Christianity, Muslum,and Hinduism. The victims of the wrecked of the little lifeboat just won’t give in to their fate, they actively fight against it. Pi was a vegetarian until he is stranded on their lifeboat and eats fish to keep himself going,Orange Juice, the peaceful orangutan, fights ferociously against the hyena.

Even the badly wounded zebra battles to stay alive; his painful struggle shows how badly he fights to stay alive. Martel makes it clear in this novel that …show more content…


“But religion is more than rite and ritual.There is what the rite and ritual stand for.” (48)

Pi is Describing sights sound and smell of Hinduism. He explains what one of his many religions is about. He looks at the world through Hinduismbut yet very cautious.This shows that Pi is into the religion through faith and not the extras of a religion.

“The presence of God is the finest of rewards” (63)

Pi is proud of his religions and he is faithful to all of them. In the novel he gives us a vivid image of God getting close to him. Pi believes that his three religions is three times the chance of God appearing to him again.

“Dont you love life” (122)

Pi has nothing to live for but yet still loves life. He was a vegetarian willing to eat meat, feeces, and drink turtle blood in order to stay alive.

“Jesus,Mary,Muhammad,and Vishnu how good to see you.” (121)

Pi is shipwrecked and sees Richard Parker swimming toward him. There is ironic humor in his multi-religious novel. Also not yet knowing who Richard Parker is, the reader is led to believe m that someone else has survived the

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