
Yann Martel's Life Of Pi

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In the novel, Life of Pi by Yann Martel, the quotation below demonstrates to readers the importance of conclusions. The importance of conclusions is that when there is no longer a relationship with someone, it often leaves the people involved wondering on what terms they are on. This is popular with couples. When a sudden event causes the relationship to break up, people wonder on what terms they are on with their partner. The idea of conclusions is evident in Piscine Patels’s reaction to Richard Parker’s departure. Pi states, “It’s important in life to conclude things properly. Only then can you let go. Otherwise you are left with words you should have said but never did, and your heart is heavy with remorse.” (Martel, 285). This quotation …show more content…

Richard Parker decided that it was unnecessary to conclude their adventure on the lifeboat, therefore, leaving Pi in remorse. My response to the quotation is understanding the importance of conclusions. In a specific instance in my life, I have been left in remorse in the ways that I have handled conclusions of friends and family. This quotation left me relating to the way that Pi felt when Richard Parker left him in Mexico. In past relationships, conclusions have often been handled poorly. This is a result a lack of understanding. When I look back, knowing certain facts, I begin to realize things I should have said, or done differently. I think that when there is ever a death or event that occurs, many wonder the conclusion of the relationship. I know that I certainly feel this way. An example would be of my late aunt. As such a young child, I didn’t realize the questions of why or how, but now as an educated young adult, the effects of a lost conclusion bother me to this day. Much of the remorse that both Pi and I feel are the unquestioned answers. Pi wonders why Richard Parker didn’t

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