
Yeast Fermentation Lab Report

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Yeast Fermentation Lab Report
Chaweewan. Sirakawin
Present to Ms.Allinotte November 21. 2014

Introduction: Fermentation is a metabolic pathway that produce ATP molecules under anaerobic conditions (only undergoes glycolysis), NAD+ is used directly in glycolysis to form ATP molecules, which is not as efficient as cellular respiration because only 2ATP molecules are formed during the glycolysis. One type of fermentation is alcohol fermentation, it produces pyruvate molecules made by glycolysis and the yeast will break it down to give off carbon dioxide, the reactant is glucose and the byproducts are ethanol and carbon dioxide. In this lab, the purpose is to measure whether the changes of …show more content…

2) The three bottles were labeled
1. 5 mL sugar
2. 10 mL sugar
3. 15 mL sugar
3) 150 mL of room temperature water was added to each 3 bottles
4) One package of active dry yeast was added to bottle labeled ‘5mL’ and solution was swirled.
5) 5 mL of sugar was added to the solution and a balloon was placed over the opening of the bottle to minimize the loss of any gas from the system.
6) The tape was used to measure gas accumulation in the balloon after 1minute. Measurement and qualitative observations were recorded.
7) The gas accumulation in the balloon was measured and recorded at one minute intervals for a total of 10 minutes (qualitative observations were included)
8) One package of active dry yeast was added to the bottle labeled ‘10 mL sugar’ and solution was swirled by rod gently.
9) 10 mL of sugar was added to the solution and the balloon was quickly placed over the opening of the bottle to minimize the loss of any gas from the system.
10) The tape was used to measure gas accumulation in the balloon after 1minute. Measurement and qualitative observations were recorded.
11) The gas accumulation in the balloon was measured and recorded at one minute intervals for a total of 10 minutes (qualitative observations were included)
12) The 8-11 steps for each of the remaining bottle was repeated, the sugar concentration was adjusted accordingly.
The bottle with higher concentration of sugar tends to produce more carbon dioxide. After 10 minutes, The

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