
Yellow Fever In South America

Decent Essays

The yellow fever is “...a tropical viral disease affecting the liver and kidneys, causing fever and jaundice”(CDC), and often times causing several thousand fatalities per year on average. This illness is frequently found in South America and is transmitted by mosquitoes. Specifically the “Aedes aegypti mosquito”(CDC). Most commonly found in South America due to it’s uncommonly high-temperature range, extreme humidity and lastly the vegetation & population. Out of all of these factors that advance to the tremendous upset of yellow fever, the ultimate factor that is responsible for yellow fevers devastating effects on the South American population is the climate, weather, and vegetation.

First of all, one aspect that leads to yellow …show more content…

For example, the most common weather pattern in South America is an “average to mild weather pattern for the majority of the year”(out America-travel-experience). Which is a green light to go for the Aedes Aegypti mosquito because there isn’t extreme weather to have to worry about when laying larvae or living in general. Secondly, South America has “warm rain”, which according to the CDC, “When rain floods the Aedes aegypti mosquito eggs with water, the larvae hatch. Generally, larvae feed upon small aquatic organisms, algae and particles of plant and animal material in water-filled containers”( Furthermore, “ Egg production sites are within or in near to households” ( This means that the mosquitoes typically migrate towards the rain for the sake of breeding purposes. In conclusion, the weather in South America is a big reason towards the growth of yellow …show more content…

First of all, according to states “45% of South America is heavily covered with tropical rainforests and another 15% is covered by trees, bushes, etc.” this means that with the trees and plants that there is a lot of water as well as the sun for the heat and the moisture for the Aedes Agypti Mosquitoes to not only live but also thrive. Secondly, the population plays a big role in the spread of yellow fever. For example, in South America, there is 387.5 million people who live in South America, which means if one person got bit if the disease was contagious with the warm climate and a number of people the disease would spread like a wildfire. In addition “On average 200,000 people die every year worldwide”( staff). Furthermore, “The majority of those infected will be asymptomatic or have mild disease with complete recovery.In the case of more severe symptoms people will become, symptomatic but recover, weakness and fatigue may last several months.Those who recover from yellow fever generally have lasting immunity against subsequent infection”(CDC). This means that the people who do get infected will mostly recover in good health and have an immunity to other viruses and diseases. In conclusion, the vegetation and the population is the last greatest reason to the spread of yellow

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