
Yersinia Pestis And The Plague

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Yersinia pestis and the Plague

The infectious disease known as “the Plague” is spread by a bacterium classified as Yersinia pestis, which is usually transmitted in the bites of fleas or infected animals or people.

Infectious Disease: Signs and Symptoms The plague has three different forms: Bubonic, Septicemic, and Pneumonic. The signs and symptoms of the bubonic plague usually include fever, headache, chills, and weakness and one or more swollen, tender and painful lymph nodes. A flea will typically bite a human, and the bacteria will travel to the nearest lymph node where it will multiply before it spreads to other parts of the body. The signs and symptoms of the Septicemic plague also generally include fever, chills, extreme weakness, as well as abdominal pain, shock, and possibly bleeding into the skin and other organs. Just like the bubonic plague, it usually comes from the bite of a flea, or from contact with an animal that has also been infected. In the case of the Pneumonic plague, the patients will also experience fever, headache, weakness, but it will usually be accompanied by a rapidly developing pneumonia with shortness of breath, may develop a cough, chest pain, and sometimes bloody and/or watery mucous, and may cause respiratory failure, all of which can lead to shock. This is also the most serious form of the disease, and is the only one of the three forms that can be spread from person to person.
Causative Agent(s): Distinguishing characteristics

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