
Young Goodman Brown Analysis

Good Essays

David P. Reader
Professor Jessi Morton
English 113
10 December 2017

Young Goodman Brown: Losing Faith in Humanity from the Art of Deception
Since the beginning of time, there has always been day and night, evil and light. Throughout history, the basis of good versus evil has emanated. Good and evil has etched its place in every culture whether taught through passed down stories, depictions written on tablets, stones, or parchment paper. In the story, Young Goodman Brown, Hawthorne reveals the traveler as a figure that highlights one goal. Emphasis is placed on the traveler’s methodology as he employ’s several techniques to manipulate and deceive the vulnerabilities of Goodman Brown. Hawthorne carefully stresses the traveler’s demeanor, features, setting and communication methods in detail. What is Hawthorne trying to say about the intricate interaction between Goodman Brown and the traveler?
The traveler patiently awaits Young Goodman Brown as he always has, because the traveler is not governed by the same limitations as man. The traveler, being demonic, has a purposeful goal in mind: to kill, steal, and destroy while praying on Goodman Brown’s vulnerabilities to achieve his hidden agenda. The traveler’s skill in persuasion is hard to overcome as he comes across as normal, trustful and believable. Young Goodman Brown approaches with hesitation in the darkness as he seems haunted and reluctant making his way through the woods. Purposefully, The Traveler is cunning and is

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