
Young Offenders Program Analysis

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Introduction The Ministry of the Third Cross derived from the Young Offenders Program, which was organized in 1997. The Young Offenders Program was a retreat offered for young, “high risk” male felony probationers in Bexar Country Department and Corrections. This program was created for the probationers rehabilitation plan. Their objective was to decrease recidivism and to rehabilitate the offender. Today it is recognized as a state program. The Ministry of the Third Cross now offers retreats for both men and women. These retreats are held on the weekend, where attendees are able to connect with their inner spirit and the love of Jesus Christ. The retreat is surrounded by a supportive and community friendly environment that assures attendees receive the best experience as possible. The three “R’s”, which are reflection, repentance, and renewal, are what attendees focus on during these retreats. Judges have been known to offer this as an alternative for individuals as a part of their community service. Then there is a separate program for individuals who have recently been paroled. Even after an …show more content…

Everything I learned about drug courts in class reflected on to my experience at the actual drug court. These drug courts strive to reduce arrest and incarceration rates. Instead of locking someone up in jail, a diversion program such as this one helps rehabilitate and restore justice within the community. Just like I learned in class, there are four phases in the drug court process. While I was sitting in and examining the process, different parts of the phases were discussed. Some offenders were in phase 1, while others were in phase 2, or 3. The majority of people in this diversion were having success within the program, and that reflects what you have said about the success of drug

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