
Youth Sports are Beneficial Essay

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Youth Sports are Beneficial
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Nearly every child, at one point or another in his young and impressionable life, has particiapated in sports. Whether it is a pick-up basketball game at a playground after school, or organized Little League, complete with ninety-foot bases and replicated major league uniforms, sports play an intricate part of the development and maturation of a youngster. Beneath it’s presumed purity, however, lies an occasionally seedy underbelly. Win-at-all cost coaches and tyrannical, overbearing parents have turned this innocent recreational activity into a nightmarish hell for some juvenile participants, and have left many wondering if sports is a helpful or a harmful stage in a child’s life. …show more content…

And for those who were a bit down on themselves because their grades are not as a high as a friend or a sibling, their self-esteem can be boosted by a good perfornance on the field. Even kids crippled by severe shyness can emerge from their shell by spending hours in the dugout or on the sidelines with their peers. But above all, participating in sports can lead to hours and hours of unbridled enjoyment. After spending seven hours in a stuffy classroom, their is no better way of blowing off steam than by hitting a baseball, sinking a layup, or running a touchdown into the endzone. Children get a chance to emulate heroes like Jordan, McGwire, and Moss every time they step onto their respective of field of play.

Maureen Weiss, PhD, of the University of Oregon, also agrees that sports do more than enhance biceps and up hand-eye coordination. Said Weiss, “Physical activity and sports have tremendous potential to enhace children’s self-esteem and motivation.” Weiss’s research consisitently proves that self-esteem and perceptions of physical ability can predict achievement behavior, motivations and positive effects(APA 1996).

Ronald M. Jeziorski, an educational psychologist who consults curricular programs in Santa Clara, California, also sees the posivite effect sports has on a children’s psychological well-being. Jeziorski surveyed eighteen professionals in social work, law

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