
Youtube Body Image

Satisfactory Essays

I am a 20 year old young woman who is half Trinidadian and half Haitian from Brooklyn, New York but when someone just glances at my cover they would not have a clue. If I am wearing my natural hair I am asked “Ohh my what are you mixed with? Your curls are so defined!” but if I have a weave sewn in, those same people believe that I am just a “regular African-American” girl who does not like her own hair. Depending on how I’m dressed I can view as a businesswoman or girl who is trying to show off her body. That’s the problem when someone is judging a person by his or her cover; you never know what their cover will look like on a particular day. In this YouTube video it became obvious that certain groups associate African’s who are not directly from Africa as African American first. For instance when one gentleman was asked what is an Aftolatina he said an “African American Latino cross person” even though the term “Afrolatina” has no mention of American. This YouTube video supports my belief that it is almost impossible to know where a person is from solely based on their picture. …show more content…

Unfortunately in our world there is a general idea of how people from certain cultures and/or ethnicities conduct themselves, dress, and look, and these general ideas are why it is so hard for members of our society to look past the “cover” of one’s “book” and begin to read through the pages of their

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