
Zelo's Pov: A Short Story

Decent Essays

Zelo's pov. I woke up with a headache and just all different types of miserable. Everything that has been going just keeps on playing in my head. I feel like I don't want to be here anymore, I feel like I just took so many steps back form all the good I have been feeling. I just want a place to hide forever and that way I can go back to feeling nothing. Guk wrapped his arms around me in his sleep. Feeling a bit better knowing guk is still here with me. There is so much I want to say, and so much I feel I need to say. But I have no clue how go get my point across without seeming clingy or desperate. Fuck I am extremely desperate but I don't really want to show that to others. I been wanting to talk and hang out with jongup and daehyun but they are so busy with their own lives. They …show more content…

I can understand that and even when I want to tell them how much I miss them and want to see them. I try not to because I don't want to be a bother to them, I also don't want them to feel forced to talk to me. I say hi or text every now and then but I don't get much of a response back. It is the same with guk too, other this past time I have not have much us time. I feel there is nothing I can do, because no matter how much I try to reach out to them I don't get a respond. So I stopped trying after a while. I have so many emotions and feeling going on all at the same time and I have no clue how to handle them. I want to cry, I just want someone to talk to. I mean I talk to himchan every now and then but not much at all, and nam is there whenever I need him. But I feel like nam feel like he has to come be with me or talk to me. Nam does understand how I feel most of the time, but I can see he has no cule what to do about it. I am just in all of these people's ways and just messing up lives. I know they all must have their own reasons for

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