The Zika virus. What is it? It is a virus that is caused by a mosquito bite. The general signs and symptoms are similar to the flu or any other virial illness. The virus remains in the blood stream for at least a week and may also be found in semen. There is not any vaccine or treatment. The only thing that can be done is preventive care. One must protect themselves from mosquito’s bites and use protection during sexual activities, or sustain from having sex all together especially if their partner is pregnant. They should use the same treatment that one uses for any virial illness but they should reframe from the use of aspirins or non-steroid anti inflammatory drugs. On January 22,2016, CDC activated its Incident Management System
One ongoing case that has evolved in the United States throughout the past couple of years is the Zika virus. The Chicago Tribune wrote “Commentary: To fight Zika, Deploy the National Guard” which was written on May 27, 2016 by ML Cavanaugh. According to, ML Cavanaugh is a United States Army strategist and has taught classes in the defense and strategic studies program. He was the youngest recipient of the “Order of Saint Gabriel the Archangel” according to
In this project women of childbearing age was largely the population of focus, with many social determinants of the health that made this already vulnerable population even more in need of assistance concerning possible Zika outbreaks, prenatal education, and family planning services. Social determinants of health may include a variety of non-medical variables such as socioeconomic status, education attainment, neighborhood factors, racial discrimination, access to resources, working environment, etc. (Braveman, Egerter, & Williams, 2011; Mendez, Hogan, & Culhane, 2013). Women of childbearing age in relation to Zika virus exposure risk may encounter institutionalized racism and various upstream determinants of health that may negatively impact their ability to obtain healthcare coverage, educational resources, and family planning services. The political trends in Texas towards defunding Planned Parenthood and not expanding Medicaid services has placed an enormous burden on the women of Texas who wish to plan or prevent pregnancy but do not have the financial means to do so (Darney, et al., 2017). In the wake of a possible endemic disease, such as Zika virus, the most vulnerable will be the most susceptible.
In the united states , the government is divided into three different branches, although they are divided and they each have their own specific purpose; they all come together to make sure one main goal is provided and that is protection. The government is here to protect its people from things such as; laws that violates rights, harmful people, illnesses. And etc. in this case the government is in charge of protecting everyone from the illness Zika, which is a virus that is spread to people primarily through the bite of an infected Aedes species mosquito. After viewing the assigned readings and viewing it proves that the government is fulfilling its role in protecting the people from the Zika virus.
Marsha- As we know, the Zika virus can be passed from the mother to the fetus and can cause congenital microcephaly and other severe brain defects to the fetus. If you have a confirmed case of the Zika virus, does your department have a protocol in place for scanning these patients? Have you performed a case that there was a confirmed case of the Zika virus? If so, can you tell us what the physicians plan was for the patient and fetus?
The Olympic Games in Rio De Jaineiro during this past summer of 2016 shared the spotlight with the Zika Virus. Many athletes were concerned about this new transmitted virus and proceeded to walk away from the games. Even with many of the athletes backing out of the games there were many brave athletes that looked past this obstacle and focused on something else, winning the gold. The committee was thinking of relocating the Olympic Games because of the Zika breakout and all of the commotion it had caused. Not many knew about the new virus; how you could get it and how it was being spread. Many people just thought it was just another normal mosquito bite that only gave some type of minor flu. Little did anyone know that in fact the Zika Virus is very harmful and, can end up being deadly.
CDC has updated its interim guidelines for US healthcare providers caring for pregnant women and women of reproductive age during ongoing transmission of Zika virus. These guidelines apply to healthcare providers caring for women of reproductive age in the United States including US territories and will be updated as more information becomes available.
The Zika Virus outbreak currently developing in Latin America is a challenge that the US must worry about. With Latin America being right next door to the United States, the Zika Virus must be contained within Latin America but Latin America should be offered some relief in treating and preventing the disease. More specifically, the US should emplace traveling restrictions for heavily infected countries and regulate health exams for people traveling to South America. The US should also enforce tighter mosquito season requirements like monitoring mosquito populations and require spraying in areas with suspected cases. In terms of international relations, the US, in collaboration with other world powers, should adopt policies to help stop the spread of viral diseases like Ebola and other diseases like Zika by working with
My opinion concerning the Zika virus is one that is strongly built upon the principle that government aid and funding in regards to health care is necessary to ensure the safety of American citizens. A fatal virus such as this one that spreads through a country at an exponential rate is not a epidemic to be taken lightly. Nor is it an issue that should be dismissed simply because of libertarians believing that healthcare should be handled at a private level because of the sinister idea of a large scale imposition of government aid that would provide assistance to citizens that are weeks, or even days, away from dying. The two biggest political parties of the U.S. seem to understand that this issue is a pressing one, and that funding to combat
As of now, there is no official vaccine for Zika. Instead, a patient that has the contagion must undergo certain treatments. Fortunately, the remedies for the virus are simple and cheap. If infection occurs, it is vital to get an abundance of rest and liquids; medication is also advised to assist in alleviating pain. The treatments for Zika are straightforward because the disease itself is rather mild. In fact, in most reported cases of the virus in the United States, the illness only lasted approximately two to seven days prior to the first set of symptoms (“World Health Organization”). It is evident that the fear associated with the Zika Virus is slightly exaggerated. Currently, there is only one recorded fatality in the United States that is directly related to Zika (“The Washington Post”). This is mainly because first world countries’ medical programs are advanced enough to effectively treat the virus. The standard of living in these countries are also higher compared to third world countries. That is why Zika has claimed a significant amount of lives worldwide; the poor conditions in these countries make it difficult for infected individuals to get proper
Over the last couple of months, the Zika virus started spreading all over South America, and they started to report more and more cases of the virus. The Zika virus eventually spread all the way into North America, and eventually it reached the United States. The United States little by little started reporting some cases, and the news stations eventually blew up the news. People all over the country started to worry about the virus and wanted immediate answers on how to not only protect themselves but also their families, and that’s exactly what BBC news and D news set out to do. The explanation of the virus is explained through two different genres, a news article BBC put out (Zika outbreak: What you need to
How did the Zika virus originate? It originated in1947, in Auganda, from monkeys. The Virus made its way back to Aedes Africanus in 1948 from mosquitos. Now, in 2015 more than 3,500 cases have been reported in North America from mosquitos.
The Zika virus has extremely negative side effects in women who are or will become pregnant. With the virus showing no signs of slowing down Pope Francis had to take a stand that many people who have been devoted Christ followers could be upset by. Pope Francis in something that many people thought they would never see happen, said that in some cases, contraception can be used during sex. The Catholic Church has been against many forms of contraception for years however, given the issue, Pope Francis suggested it could be used to stop the spread of the virus. The author of the article, James T. Bretzke, a professor at Boston College and an expert in Moral Theology, is able to explain and discuss why Pope Francis is still following Catholic
In the article, “Local Transmission of Zika Virus is reported in Texas”, it stated that on November 28th, 2016 health officials announced Zika has been reported in Texas. In the United States, the virus has only been in Florida. In Florida, it was believed to be carried by mosquitoes from person to person. But this case in Texas is carried by a women. Medical Investigators are trying to found out if the infection is spreading.
Nowadays, there is no treatment or vaccination available for Zika. The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) states two reasons why it is hard to find the cure:
The “Zika virus is an emerging mosquito-borne virus that was first identified in Uganda in 1947 in rhesus monkeys… It was subsequently identified inhuman in 1952 in Uganda and the United Republic of Tanzania”("Zika virus", 2016). However, unfortunately, it now has been reported in the United States as of 2016. The disease has been reported to cause potential neurological and auto-immune complications, as well as, increase the likelihood of babies being born with microcephaly or “a rare neurological condition in which an infant’s head is significantly smaller than the heads of other children of the same age and sex”("Microcephaly", 2016). Since the Zika virus is spread by mosquitos and their breeding sites it can pose a significant risk for the transmission of the virus, and prevention often relies on the source reduction of mosquitos themselves, which can often be difficult. “So far, 31 domestic cases have been reported all outside of the U.S. However, as warm weather approaches, the odds could be that local transmission of the mosquito-borne disease will begin to be seen (Bryant, 2016).