
Zika Virus Update

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Meta Description (140 characters) Summer is here and our Austin fertility specialists have a Zika virus update to share with you. Learn how to protect yourself and your family!
Meta Title (70 characters) Zika Virus Update – Austin Fertility Specialists
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Zika Virus Update from TFC

You can protect yourself and your family from the Zika virus this summer

Remember when the Zika virus was breaking news last year? Even though the virus isn’t making headlines like it did in 2016, Zika is still a concern for women who are pregnant or thinking of becoming pregnant. The Austin fertility specialists at Texas Fertility Center explain what you need to know about Zika virus and the birth defects that …show more content…

• A woman who is pregnant can transmit the Zika virus to her baby. Babies who have been infected with the virus can be born with microcephaly, a birth defect that impacts head size and brain development.
• There is no vaccine to prevent the virus and there is no medication to treat it.

Although we know these facts about the virus, the medical community still doesn’t know if there’s a “safe time” in a woman’s pregnancy to travel to an area that’s experiencing a Zika outbreak. It’s also unknown how likely it is that a Zika infection will impact an unborn baby.

There are a few easy steps you can take to protect yourself and your baby from the virus

Our Austin fertility specialists believe in being proactive about all aspects of health, including Zika virus prevention. The following are recommendations for women who are pregnant right now or who are thinking of getting pregnant in the future.

• Avoid travel to an area that is impacted by Zika.
• If you live in or must go to a place that’s impacted by the virus, avoid mosquito bites and practice safe sex to avoid virus transmission. This means using a condom every

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