
Zmot for Automotive Purchasing

Decent Essays

The Zero Moment of Truth Automotive Study
Google/Shopper Sciences April 2011

• The path to purchase in the automotive category is quite extensive. The vast majority of shoppers take several months to go from decision to action. • During this time, shoppers are using a wide array of sources. FMOT, ZMOT and Stimulus all have above average usage.
• Mobile and Online Social source nodes are the only ones that do not pass the average. However, compared to Online Social and Mobile usage in other categories, the usage for Automotive is quite strong.

• Shoppers clearly identify in-person experiences as the most influential – test driving, visiting a dealership, etc.
• The challenge for brands is generating enough influence …show more content…

Base N=500 Source: Google/Shopper Sciences, Zero Moment of Truth Study – Automotive, Apr 2011


Shoppers rely on ZMOT sources as much as FMOT
97% 86% 97%




Q2 When you were considering purchasing/leasing a new automobile, what sources of information did you seek out to help with your decision? Base N=500 Source: Google/Shopper Sciences, Zero Moment of Truth Study – Automotive, Apr 2011


Net Influence – Top Sources
Test drove car Looked at the automobiles

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