
Zodiac Man Changes

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Big changes happened in the past time of life in European history. In the Middle Ages to the Renaissance people start thinking different they had new ideas. They went from praising religion to praising humankind. In the text it states, “during the Middle Ages, the Roman Catholic Church and the Pope were the primary players in Europe.” This is important because it emphasizes that that was the trending topic it was the most important thing to people back then before 1400 until 1700 time period came and it shows who was in charge at that time. However, people move on from religion when the Renaissance came. New invention came like the printing press which causes people to think differently and not always focus on religion and start praising humankind. …show more content…

One way this is shown is through Regiomonanus and Vesalius illustration of the body. For example, Johann Regiomontroas book called “Zodiac Man” in each body part there is a different zodiac sign and the body have a picture of the zodiac sign connected to each body part. According to Regiomontroas “the zodiac is a band of 12 groups of constellation that stretch across the sky.” In Vesalius book called On the Makeup of the Human Body the illustration look realistic. If you saw the image you can see a brain,bones, and skin those are things an human body actually have. Another way this shown is through their research of finding out there information. For example Regiomontras beleive that each sign of the zodiac govern part of the body. In the text it states “For example, the constellation of the stars called Aries the Ram controlled the head; Sagittarius the Archer controlled the thighs.” This shows that the Middle Ages belief of certain body part is based on zodiac signs. Andreas Vesalius research his belief that cutting open bodies is how you can find out what is the certain part of each body part. According to the texts “ The illustration on the right was based on the research done by andreas Vesalius, who dissected human corpses to better explain the human body to his medical students.” This shows that people start wondering that their different body parts wasn't based zodiac signs and that they had an idea to open up an human and see what is actually in the human body because they became so interesting to see what is

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