
Zora Neale Hurston Sweat Essay

Decent Essays

With respect to Zora Neal Hurston’s short story “Sweat,” the reader is introduced to the hidden meanings within the text. Instinctively, the reader would define the meaning of sweat as moisture leaving the body after one overexerts themselves. However, the elements in this story generates so much more meaning to the word ‘sweat’ than the reader may think. Sweat signifies perseverance and courage and these traits becomes more evident as the reader embarks into the story. For example, perseverance is a key attribute that Delia possesses. The reader soon discovers that Delia makes a living by washing clothes for the community. However, her husband Sykes does not contribute to their income in any way, is unfaithful, and beats her. The author of this story, Zora Neal Hurston, shows how Delia expresses her frustration towards Sykes and surprisingly, this may have been the first time Delia has stood up to him. “Ah been married to you fur fifteen years, and Ah been takin' in …show more content…

Throughout this story, Delia is in a war mentally and physically. Political theorist George Kateb, analyzes the strength and endurance that comes from war. “Why does war's exhilaration call forth spontaneous courage” (Kateb 18). This question is very important to the text because Delia just snaps. She has had enough and won’t stand for it anymore. There comes a point in everyone’s lives where individuals reach that breaking point and find that spontaneous courage within themselves just like Delia did. Similarly, the words and phrases that the author uses throughout this story seem to carry spontaneous courage. Triumphant indifference, spiritual earthworks, and pretty pass are a few examples. These words create a visual for the reader, and the individual is able to ponder these phrases and inevitably, find those hidden meanings and key elements to the story. One of the key elements of “Sweat” is when a rattlesnake is brought to her home by

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