
explain the features of effective team performance

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It is the responsibility of all adults who care for children to protect them from harm. In accordance with the All Wales Child Protection Procedures and the Children Act 2004, First Steps Playgroup operates a child protection policy.

At least one member of our staff has received child protection training and training will be cascaded to all members of staff. The designated Child Protection Officer is the Playgroup leader 'Vicky Price ' and the Deputy leader of the playgroup 'Marketa Carpenter ' is the deputy Child Protection Officer. All members of staff have been made aware of possible symptoms of children at risk and are aware of their responsibility to report concerns according to the All Wales Child …show more content…

If a parent or carer has concerns about a child, they should be advised to contact the local Social Services department directly.

This applies to the following circumstances:

If a child or young person displays recognised signs of abuse
If someone tells a member of staff that they or another child or young person is being abused
If the behaviour of any adult (including colleagues and members of the public) towards

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