
machiavelli and the prince Essay

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Social Life in Medieval and Early Modern Italy

Nicolo Macchiavelli and The Prince

At the end of the 14th century, Italy was still politically organized by city-states. Emerging as one of the most influential writers of the Renaissance, Niccolo Machiavelli was a political analyst, whose aim was to free italy from foreign rule, as well as to unite and strengthen the Italian city states. Machiavelli believed Italy could not be united unless its leader was …show more content…

As head of the second chancery, Machiavelli was also soon assigned the further job of secretary to the Ten of War, the committee responsible for Florence's diplomatic relations. This meant that in addition to his routine office duties, Machiavelli sometimes traveled abroad to act as spokesman for the Ten.
During the next fourteen years, Machiavelli was sent on numerous diplomatic missions to France, Switzerland, and Germany. His observations abroad resulted in many of the ideas that form the basis for the major statements found in his political works. While in France, Machiavelli observed the effect of having one prince ruling a united country and in 1512 he wrote his most famous treatise The Prince. Remembering how the French benefitted from having one principality ruled by one prince, Machiavelli intended The Prince to serve as a guide to centralize Italy under one principality, as well as how to gain, maintain political power. Most importantly, The Prince suggests how to rule effectively and what kind of prince is best.
Dedicated to Lorenzo DiMedici, The Prince provides a blueprint for how to take control of other lands and how to maintain power over them. The Prince is different because Machaivelli avoids purely theoretical issues and focues on how things actually are, rather than speculating on how they might be. Drawing examples from his personal experiences and

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