
police fragmentation

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Police Fragmentation The Nature of Policing in the United States will constantly change based on certain events that happen. The government will always look for ways to adjust, trying to make policing more efficient, fair, and effective. Unlike policing in other countries, the structure of policing in the United States is extremely fragmented. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, there are currently 21,000 federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies in the United States. In different levels of the government, there are thousands of different agencies that are responsible for specific tasks. Due to a high amount of different law …show more content…

In general, they all these agencies were created in order to centralize the administration and coordination of many existing agencies. Reluctance of Congress to empower any one agency with too much federal law enforcement authority prevents a “national police”. The United States system of policing is very unique compared to other countries. Many people believe that the American system of policing is extremely fragmented and loosely coordinated, which leads it to being

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