
politicalscifinal Essay

Decent Essays

Poli Sci Final

1. List and explain the four main features and functions of constitutions. Be sure to associate your answers with specific models from countries explored in this course.

According to the teaching of this course, some constitutions features and functions are Theories of government, humanity, society and God. When it comes down to it , constitutions are designed to prevent the government from doing unethical things to others like illegal search and seizure and unwarranted surveillance activities.

We all need protection from the government and ourselves in general. Constitutions that protect citizens of all races and sexual orientation should be equal and constitutions should be enacted to protect these rights and …show more content…

Some countries, such as United States, Brazil, India and nigeria link their bicameral systems to their federal political structure. Bottom line is the bicameral systems can stop governments from making laws and decisions that are not for the greater good.

Now with any good advantage, there must be disadvantages as well. When you are dealing with human beings, money and power there is bound to be gridlock and other complications associated with these procedures.

Although, it can also depend on how the two the two different houses can coexist. Take for instance Brazil and United States. In Brazil, many political parties are in its legislature and will even switch sides depending, to whereas the United States only has two parties. Great Britain still uses unelected persons in the decision making process.

They can either have equal power or one will be superior to the other one. This is where checks and balances does its best work. Legislature is divided to keep it from being able to hold all the power, then lets not forget about the powers of Congress has on everything else. The Senate acts as a break in regards to major changes to laws, which could be a good thing. The bicameral systems uphold democracy and ride shotgun on the rules of law.

4. Does a strong bureaucracy strengthen or undermine democracy? Be sure to correlate your answer using explicit illustrations from the countries studied

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