
##rtance Of Identity In Jhumpa Lahiri's Novel 'The Namesake'

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Finding one’s identity is challenging for people who do not know exactly who they are as a person. Those who are challenged are lost in life and are driven to find out what makes them who they are and what makes them comfortable as a person. An example of a person finding an identity would be Gogol in the novel, The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri. This novel is about the life of an Indian family trying to assimilate in a new culture and Gogol’s search to find who he is as a person. They have to discover whether or not to assimilate into the American culture and find a balance between an American and Indian identity. The family overcomes different obstacles to discover who they are in this new foreign country that they now have to call home. In Jhumpa Lahiri’s novel, The Namesake, Gogol is an example of someone who is trying to find an identity, discovering his feelings on Bengali and American culture. Undergoing change due to changing his name, his father’s death, and living away from his family in his own home, which leads Gogol to find who he is as a person. Gogol, who is in search of his identity, uses the opportunity when he is older to change his name, helping him acknowledge and discover who he is. He is encouraged to change his name after hearing about how Gogol is said to be a crazy madman. To find his identity, Gogol gains the urgency to change his name due to what he heard about the author, Gogol, through his teacher. He wants a way to distance himself from the

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