
##sio Is Seduced By Matilda, By Ambrosio And Matilda

Decent Essays

Ambrosio was seduced by Matilda unfortunately but because of his position and his lack of knowledge on sexual discourse, he decided to paly back Matilda’s nakedness by speaking so much about it. He states thus “ May I not safely credit her assertion? Will it not be easy for me to forget her sex and consider her as my friend and as a disciple? She strove to keep me ignorant of sex. She has not made attempts to rouse my slumbering passions, nor has she ever conversed with me till this night on the subject of love.” (66-67)
Lewis seem to point that ignorance, innocence and lack of knowledge about sex is presented as an illusion. Hence, in the novel, Ambrosio is lured into sexual relationship with the evil woman, Matilda
The novel, presents …show more content…

The Monk abounds in marriages and as we have seen, marriage is constitutive of both good desire and bad desire and conventional happy ending. But as The Monk differentiates desire, so it also investigates the possibility of different types of marriages. And as it valorized good desire, it endorses a relatively recent marital deal, the marriage for love and a new definition of love.”( 139)
Jones explains sexuality from the point of view of pride, lust , inhumanity. He explains that “ If Antonia is denied a conventional happy ending, she will nevertheless be rewarded with a place n heaven. Afterall, evil triumphs only temporarily. The first claim of Jones examines the sexuality in the novel, he therefore states the sexual desires framed in marriage which is linked with love. The idea with this is not strong because, sexuality as related to the novel, is not linked to the idea of marriage or love but it is linked with the idea of hypocrisy because all majority of the characters in the novel, fell beyond expectation by committing sexual temptation which brought about their destruction.
The message in the novel is the sexual temptations that have led the characters into destruction because of how they are seen in the society.
For Father Ambrosio, he is the most virtuous and learned Monk but because of his position as a Monk, he

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