
Summary Of The Bluest Eye By Toni Morrison

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A Study On Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye
Toni Morrison was the winner of the 1993 Nobel Prize for Literature. She is a prominent contemporary American writer devoted to the black literary and cultural movement. Her achievements and dedication to the promotion of black culture have established her distinguished status in American literature.
Many critics applaud Toni Morrison’s artistic talent and contribution to American literature. Darwin T. Turner, for example, has thus commented: “Morrison has already achieved status as a major novelist--an artful creator of grotesques destined to live in worlds where seeds of love seldom blossom.” Linda W. Wagner approves Morrison’s artistic genius in her mastery of …show more content…

. . . The contemplation of this black presence is central to any understanding of our national literature and should not be permitted to hover at the margins of the literary imagination.6
Toni Morrison perceives a vacuum in American white male dominated literary discourse which excludes black presence. “Black people have a story, and that story has to be heard.”7 Therefore, she endeavors to break the silence by telling the black people’s story, and bridge the gap between white male-centered literature and black subjugated culture. Morrison intends to reconstruct the black image in a way she knows. Her writing effort to illustrate the richness of black culture includes black language, music, myths and rituals. Above all, she includes “the traditional Black female activities of rootworking, herbal medicine, conjure, and midwifery into the fabric of [her] stories”8 to reveal the black woman’s cultural experiences. The unique experiences of blacks, specifically those of black women, are treated with a distinctive voice in Morrison’s works. They are brought from the margin to the reconstructed center. Through her novels, the silence of black people is broken; the void in white-male centered literature is filled. Morrison has incorporated black culture into the national cultural narrative. Her writings also refract the author’s dialogue with her times and cultural

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