
##typical Characters In Mildred And Clarisse, By Ray Bradbury

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Often, people overlook the importance of stereotypical characters in books simply because they assume that since they don’t necessarily evolve as much as the main character, that they have less of an impact on the story. However, if this theory is completely thought through, then it would be noted that the story without those stereotypical characters would either be completely different or not a story at all. Through the two contrasting stereotypical characters Mildred and Clarisse, Bradbury shows that the feelings of joy and fulfillment in life come from thoughtfulness and knowledge instead of ignorance. One of the important stereotypical characters that Bradbury incorporated in his novel is Mildred because she represents how living a life of ignorance leads to a life that lacks meaning. She is a stereotypical character in that she is just like every other ordinary citizen in this society. These citizens are people who never read or think for themselves; instead, they entertain themselves by watching TV. In life, there are a couple of important events that are so significant that people are just, in a way, expected to remember them; however, when Mildred experiences these types of events, her life lacks so much meaning that she fails to remember them. For example, this is shown in a conversation between Mildred and Montag discussing their relationship: “‘The first time we ever met, where was it, and when?’ ‘Why it was at-’ she stopped. ‘I don’t know.’ she said” (40).

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