Pick a legal issue or question. Select any topic covered in the course this term. One will then select and describe a situation, either from personal experience, the experience of someone else, or a fictional scenario where the legal issue or question is/was relevant. Here it will be necessary to identify the rule(s) of law or statute(s) that apply to this case.  Detail the critical facts involved in the legal issue. Here, one will identify and describe the necessary and important facts. That means one will need to identify what facts are the most important to determining or deciding the legal issue. Provide a legal opinion (or analysis) for how a court will rule based on the law and the facts. One should include an explanation for why one would reach that conclusion. Identify any ethical implications with the issue and facts described in the paper. One should also explain whether these implications should influence the ultimate decision-maker in the company and why.

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Your Question:
  1. Pick a legal issue or question. Select any topic covered in the course this term. One will then select and describe a situation, either from personal experience, the experience of someone else, or a fictional scenario where the legal issue or question is/was relevant. Here it will be necessary to identify the rule(s) of law or statute(s) that apply to this case.
  2.  Detail the critical facts involved in the legal issue. Here, one will identify and describe the necessary and important facts. That means one will need to identify what facts are the most important to determining or deciding the legal issue.
  3. Provide a legal opinion (or analysis) for how a court will rule based on the law and the facts. One should include an explanation for why one would reach that conclusion.
  4. Identify any ethical implications with the issue and facts described in the paper. One should also explain whether these implications should influence the ultimate decision-maker in the company and why.